Buy the Gilding Surplus Removal Brush for sale here. This removes excess gold leaf after backing paints cure. Use the Gilding Surplus Removal Brush with drip or two of water and gilders soap in a 2 stages. Stage 1 is to soften and open the excess gold. Be gentle cleaning clockwise, then counter clockwise and gently dry with soft cloth or paper towel. Do not try to clean off all at once, just move on down to another section and repeat the process. The Second Pass or Stage 2 will remove a majority of the surplus gold leaf. If need repeat a third time always with very little water, and gently wipe dry to. Too much water can slip under a water gild, so make a sample in your shop and test this brush out first before using on a paying job, then your be ready to use this brush.The Gilding Surplus Removal Brush can also etch a water gild in order to Fade or Blend and then finishing with a different lighter tone of gold leaf.