Glue chipping-amazing glass craft tutorial step 6
Hide glues are made from animal hide and come in various strengths and there is a specific strength of 164 grams, to little strength no chip and to strong of gram strength and the glass breaks. hide glue has a 4 year shelf life and stored in air tight container in dark dry location to get the longest life out of the hide glue.
Step 6. Set-up Hide Glue
Soak 1 part hide glue with 2 parts water for one half hour. Warm hide glue and water slow until the glue is between 125 to 145 Degrees Fahrenheit, Never heat Hide Glue above 150 Degrees Fahrenheit, overheating or boiling ruins hide glue. Hide glues pulls and shrinks just like your skin does when injured your skin scabs and then shrinks. Animal hide glues and your skin depend on protein strands to work properly and at 165 Degrees Fahrenheit the protein dies. I use a hide glue pot to warm my glue and to keep a steady temperature so I never over cook my hide glue.If you feel you glue is to thin you may keep it warm until water evaporate or you can add more hide glue to get a thicker batch. Don't get uptight about having a scale to measure exact amounts of glue vs water, because of many different variations of temperature and humidity.
glass chipping products listed below