Ronan Sign Painters solvent based Primer Block-out
Sign Primer Fast Dry Block-out White
- Fast Dry Block-out White
is a fast drying, high opacity, solvent reducible alkyd primer designed
to "block out" previously painted sign faces. It is also an excellent
primer for wood and M.D.O. board. It dries with a flat finish and is
designed to prepare a surface for the application of bulletin colors,
background enamels or artists oil color. Fast Dry Block-out White blocks
out the old bulletin or pictorial and primes the surface so that new
signs or artwork will adhere and cover properly. It also provides the
proper surface for carbon pouncing or felt tip layout of artwork.
- Dry Time:
@ 70 F; 50% Relative Humidity: Dries to touch - 30 to 45 minutes; to
handle - 2 hours; to re-coat - 3 to 4 hours. Full cure - 8 hours. Will
take longer to dry under colder or more humid conditions.
- Application Methods: Brush, roller or spray.
Stick-tite Sign Primers for Metal & Wood Primer - White - Solvent based
- Sticktite
White Metal & Wood Primer is a fast drying, high opacity, solvent
reducible alkyd primer designed for use on metal, wood and M.D.O. board. It
may also be used as a primer for properly prepared galvanized metal. It
dries with a low luster finish and is designed to prepare a surface for
the application of bulletin colors, background enamels or artists oil
- Dry Time: @ 70 F; 50% Relative Humidity: Dries to touch - 30
to 45 minutes; to handle - 2 hours; to re-coat - 4 to 5 hours. Full cure -
16 hours. Will take longer to dry under colder or more humid
- Application Methods: Brush, roller or spray.
Metal Primer - Universal
- Universal Metal Primer, a fast drying, high performance, rust inhibitive, phenolated alkyd primer that exhibits excellent adhesion and penetration. It is designed to meet sign, industrial and automotive application needs. A unique primer, this product may be top-coated with virtually any paint system, including Bulletin Color, Background Enamel, lacquers, acrylic enamels, synthetic enamels as well as two component urethanes and epoxies. Recommended for use as a primer over a variety of aluminum, steel, galvanized metal, wood and concrete surfaces. Available in White, Gray and Red Oxide.
- Dry Time: @ 70 F; 50% Relative Humidity: Dries to touch - 30 minutes; to handle - 2 hours; to re-coat - 6 hours. Full cure - 8 hours. Will take longer to dry under colder or more humid conditions.
- Application Methods: Roller or spray (may be brushed with the addition of Ronsolv 100 Reducer).
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