Green Abalone Heart shell sheets
Green Abalone Heart shell sheets for sale here. The core muscle-scar region of the Green Abalone Heart shell has a dense and bulky form that is primarily darker green in color with some red and blue accents. There is limited availability. A favorite in reverse glass gilding, carving and Inlay.
Veneer Sheet: Green Abalone shell sheets Thin .006"-.009"
name: Haliotis fulgens; Mexico
huge sea snail Haliotis fulgens, sometimes known as the green abalone,
belongs to the family Haliotidae, which also includes the abalones.[2]
Typically brown in color, the shell of this species is distinguished by
numerous short, flat-topped ribs that run parallel to the five to seven
open respiratory pores that protrude above the shell's surface. The
interior of the shell exhibits a blue and green iridescence.
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