glue chipping-amazing glass craft tutorial step 2
Step 2. Asphaltum varnish
with cleaned and masked glass, paint the unmasked backside of glass with a thick coat of Asphaltum Varnish. It will take 10 to 20 minutes for the varnish to tack or dry, the asphaltum remains tacky even after dry. Now repeat coating until there are a total of 3 coatsThe Asphaltum Varnish serves two purposes, the first will make it easier to see when sand-blasting glass area to be glue chipped and the second use of Asphaltum Varnish is when were applying glue, if any hide glue spills out of your chipped area, the Asphaltum Varnish will keep the glue from chipping outside of your chip zones. As the Hide Glue dries it shrinks, pulling and breaking the glass into natural fractures, any spilled over your graphic chip zone just pulls up the Asphalt-um Varnish protecting your glass like liquid mask but also as a chemical dam, water (hide glue) oil (asphaltum varnish) don't mix.
glue chipping products listed below