Glass Chipping Supplies
Products used in Glass Chipping or Glue Chipping, see below.Folks in a dry climate will have the hyde glue dry on its own and the chipping process will occur on its own. Folks in more humid areas over 50% humidity may need to assist the hyde glue in drying properly by sealing or storing in a glue chipping box made of dry raw wood. The raw wood assists in drawing out the moisture to assist the chip process.The best humidity condition is at 35% and lower, but ranges from 35%-50% will work fine but will be slower.Local hardware stores often carry humidity gauges in which you can gauge your conditions.**As the chipping process is under way, shards of glass can and will fly up and off so always wear the proper safety glasses to avoid glass from getting into your eyes.DRIED GLUE IS VERY ATTRACTIVE TO DOGS, KEEP YOUR ANIMALS AWAY FROM HYDE GLUE THAT HAS CHIPPED AND CONTAINS GLASS SHARDS!