Pinstripes Pinstriping Pinstripers Products Supplies Materials Big Displayall kinds of pinstriping brushes, Pinstripes Pinstriping Pinstripers Products Supplies Paint How To Pinstripe Tips Tricks Lessons The Best Master Pinstripers in the World located here to Teach How To Pinstripe and How To Design Pinstriping Pinstriping Lettering Brushes for Pinstripers, Pinstriping Detailing Brushes Liners-Lining brushes-Script brushes-Scroll brushes for Pinstripes, Gold Leaf Pinstripes Pinstriping Pinstripers Gold Leaf Tips for Gilding Tricks Lessons How to Gold Leaf Application. The Best Master Pinstripers in the World located here in the book department to Teach How To Pinstripe and How To Design Pinstriping
Brand: Mack Brush
Model: SUPER-QUAD-7800-0
Bobbo Super Quad Long Handled Pinstriping Brush series-7800 size 0Buy Bobbo Super Quad Long Handled Pinstriping Brush series-7800 size 0, this brush has adequate snap and flexibility other brushes don't have. This allows the pinstriper, sign painter, or artist to use one brush for four purposes without having to change brushes or color. The Bobbo Super Quad Long Handled Pinstriping Brush ser..
Brand: Mack Brush
Model: SUPER-QUAD-7800-00
Bobbo Super Quad Long Handled Pinstriping Brush series-7800 size 00Buy Bobbo Super Quad Long Handled Pinstriping Brush series-7800 size 00, this brush has adequate snap and flexibility other brushes don't have. This allows the pinstriper, sign painter, or artist to use one brush for four purposes without having to change brushes or color. The Bobbo Super Quad Long Handled Pinstriping Brush s..
Brand: Mack Brush
Model: SUPER-QUAD-7800-1
Bobbo Super Quad Long Handled Pinstriping Brush Series-7800 size 1Buy Bobbo Super Quad Long Handled Pinstriping Brush Series-7800 size 1, this brush has adequate snap and flexibility other brushes don't have. This allows the pinstriper, sign painter, or artist to use one brush for Bobbo Super Quad Long Handled Pinstriping Brush Series-7800 size 1four purposes without having to change brushes..
Brand: Mack Brush
Model: SUPER-QUAD-7800-2
Bobbo Super Quad Long Handled Pinstriping Brush Series-7800 size 2Buy Bobbo Super Quad Long Handled Pinstriping Brush series-7800 size 2, this brush has adequate snap and flexibility other brushes don't have. This allows the pinstriper, sign painter, or artist to use one brush for four purposes without having to change brushes or color. The Bobbo Super Quad Long Handled Pinstriping Brush ser..
Brand: Mack Brush
Broadliner Pinstriping Brush series-40 Set on SaleBroadliner Pinstriping Brush series-40 Set by Andrew Mack Brush Company. The Broadliner Pinstriping Brush series-40 Set are designed for large freehand Pinstripes and to fill in larger areas when pinstriping. Broad-liners are used for wide line graphics instead of a quill because they hold so much more paint for longer lines. Broadliner Pinstriping..
$169.43 $188.25
Brand: Mack Brush
Broadliner Pinstriping Brush series-40 size 0 by Andrew Mack Brush Company. The Broadliner Pinstriping Brush series-40 size 0 are designed for large freehand Pinstripes and to fill in larger areas when pinstriping. Broad-liners are used for wide line graphics instead of a quill because they hold so much more paint for longer lines. Broadliner Pinstriping Brushes, Broad-liners are excellent Molding..
Brand: Mack Brush
Broadliner Pinstriping Brush series-40 size 00 by Andrew Mack Brush Company. The Broadliner Pinstriping Brush series-40 size 00 are designed for large freehand Pinstripes and to fill in larger areas when pinstriping. Broad-liners are used for wide line graphics instead of a quill because they hold so much more paint for longer lines. Broadliner Pinstriping Brushes, Broad-liners are excellent Moldi..
Brand: Mack Brush
Broadliner Pinstriping Brush series-40 size 1 by Andrew Mack Brush Company. The Broadliner Pinstriping Brush series 40 size 1 are designed for large freehand Pinstripes and to fill in larger areas when pinstriping. Broad-liners are used for wide line graphics instead of a quill because they hold so much more paint for longer lines. Broadliner Pinstriping Brushes, Broad-liners are excellent Molding..
Model: custom-paint-book
Custom Paint Graphics Book, by Kosmoski and Remus. How to Custom Paint Graphics- Book is a all-inclusive, how-to guide to custom automotive graphics. How to Custom Paint Graphics Book has Over 250 step-by-step photos show how to pinstripe, airbrush graphics and pictorials, lay out a design, apply gold leaf, use the latest paints, set up a shop and much more. Learn the ins-and-outs of cu..
Gilding on Glass Wood Metal Book Gilding on Glass Wood Metal a Gold leaf Application Techniques and how-to book by E.C. Mathews and Lawrence S. Strong. Gilding on Glass Wood Metal cover Surface(oil) and Water(mirror) gilding instructions for gold leaf. The original how to manual for Gold Leaf application for Gilders (gold leaf artists), Sign Painters and Pinstripers. Gilding on Glass Wood Me..
Pinstriping Instruction and Designs-BookPinstriping Instruction and Designs-Book for Pinstripers is a how to manual with alot of pinstripe designs and pinstriping photos by Todd Hanson. Todd began Pinstriping and Lettering at 15 years old, later working in automotive custom car shop pinstriping, later offer a job in a Sign Shop that Todd worked at until closed. In 1987 he began Hanson Graffix ..
Model: pinstripe-masters-1
Pinstriping Masters Book 1Pinstriping Masters Book 1, Laying Down the Line Pinstriping Masters-Techniques, Pinstriping Masters Tricks, & Pinstriping Masters Special F/X for Laying Down the Line features how-tos and Pinstriping Masters photo galleries from 28 of the top pinstripers in the world. Pinstriping Masters Book 1 is 160-pages and full-color, a must have for Pinstriping. Among the a..
Model: pinstripe-masters-2
Pinstriping Masters Book 2Pinstriping Masters book 2 has More Pinstripe Techniques, Pinstriper Tricks & Pinstriping Special F/X for Laying Down the Line is the long awaited sequel to Pinstriping Masters. Pinstriping Masters book 2 Featurers 25 top pinstriping professionals, each offering step-by-step instruction and super tricks and techniques of the trade. As an added bonus in Pinstriping..
Pinstriping Sketchbook-bookletPinstriping Sketchbook-booklet has over 200 Pinstripers Designs and Ideas. Pinstriping Sketchbook-booklet is by Julian "Mr.J" Braet and the subject is Pinstriping 101. Pinstriping Sketchbook has a "how to use this book" and teaches you how to start designing pinstriping right away. In Pinstriping Sketchbook-booklet Mr. J lists pinstripers materials and pinstriping..
Brand: Mack Brush
Rick Glawson Sword Pinstriping Brush series 1644 size 0Rick Glawson Sword Pinstriping Brush series 1644 size 0 by Mack Brush was designed by Rick a.k.a."Daddy Finegold" Glawson. This brush is great for pinstriping, hand painting used by pinstripers and sign painters. Good for urethane paint or lettering enamel. Rick Glawson says "They are great for long thin lines!" Rick was known for his work..
Brand: Mack Brush
Rick Glawson Sword Pinstriping Brush series 1644 size 00Rick Glawson Sword Pinstriping Brush series 1644 size 00 by Mack Brush was designed by Rick a.k.a."Daddy Finegold" Glawson. This brush is great for pinstriping, hand painting used by pinstripers and sign painters. Good for urethane paint or lettering enamel. Rick Glawson says "They are great for long thin lines!" Rick was known for his wo..
Brand: Mack Brush
Rick Glawson Sword Pinstriping Brush series 1644 size 1Rick Glawson Sword Pinstriping Brush series 1644 size 1 by Mack Brush was designed by Rick a.k.a."Daddy Finegold" Glawson. This brush is great for pinstriping, hand painting used by pinstripers and sign painters. Good for urethane paint or lettering enamel. Rick Glawson says "They are great for long thin lines!" Rick was known for his work..
Showing 1 to 17 of 17 (1 Pages)