Fitches for Lettering Brushes by Scharff Brushes
Buy all of the Lettering Fitches by Scharff Brush co here. Lettering Fitches are special type of lettering brush for rough coarse surfaces. Fitches are also used for Lettering Wall graphics and Pictorials Bill Board displays. I use my fitches to also coat the edges of boards because they give the type of control I need to keep the paint from getting sloppy or wearing out your quills. Corrugated Rolling Walls? get an Angled Fitch which is cut at an angle to a sharp point to help make sharper spurs on large lettering and they roll in and out of that corrugated metal walls. Your a Fitch to Cut in your Outlines and then fill the letters in with a Cutter or a Roller to really speed up your lettering time with a Fitch. Fitch style brushes for working on walls, billboards, awnings, smooth
and rough surfaces. For doing pictorial or murals on walls made from
bricks, stucco, concrete and stone. Other names for Fitches by Scharff Brushes are angled Fitches, square Fitches, natural hair Fitches, hog hair Fiches, Boar hair Fitches, Scharff brush fitches and mack Fitches.
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