mack brush outliner brush series 840 full set
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Mack brush outliner brush series 840 full set, sizes 0000, 00, 0, 2, 4. Rounded nickel ferrules. The 840 series out-liner brush is made with synthetic squirrel hair. This is a new synthetic that gives you the benefits of a natural haired brush. It is a soft hair that holds a lot of pinstriping paint and gives you good snap. Outliner series 840 brush kit
Full set includes 1 of each size: 0000, 00, 0, 2, 4
Graduated hair lengths: size 0000 = 1 inch out, size 00 = 1-1/8 inches out, size 0 = 1-3/8 inches out, size 2 = 1-5/8 inches out, size 4 = 1-3/4 inches out