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This water-based size dries to a crystal clear, extended tack in 20-30 minutes.
Once dry, it will
allow for over 36 hours of gilding time in a dust-free environment.
This product is intended for
interior work, but it can be used outside if not applied in direct contact with the elements.
water-based size has a mild odor and is non-flammable, making it a better choice where the oil-based size may cause problems.Directions for Use: Surface preparation is the key to obtaining a good-looking and long-lasting leafing project. Surfaces must be smooth and free of any dust, oils, wax and fingerprints.
If applying size over a previously finished object, the surfaces must be cleaned and lightly
sanded, and a small area should be tested to ensure compatibility. Porous surfaces should be
filled with a sealer/primer that is compatible with the substrate. Dux primers are ideal for most
projects. Please contact our technical department for recommendations.
Application: The size has been formulated to be used at the consistency provided by the
manufacturer. If the user feels that thinning is necessary, water may be added in small
quantities. Size may be applied by brush, roller or spray. Best results are obtained with a thin,
even film of approximately 2 mils of coating thickness. As with any paint or coating, the size
should be mixed prior to use. If brushing, any good quality latex brush should be used, the self-leveling properties of the size eliminate the need to over-brush the coating. If rolling, use a high-quality short nap roller cover. When spraying, follow the equipment manufacturer
Applying Leaf: Determining tack with Water-Based Size is much more fool-proof than with oil-based size. Once the size is no longer wet (in about 20-30 minutes) you may proceed. You can
always wait longer if you feel uncertain that the proper tack has been achieved. Proceed by
carefully laying down leaf over the size and rubbing lightly with a piece of flannel or cotton.
When using imitation gold or silver leaf, a topcoat will prevent tarnishing and preserve the
beauty of your project.