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Gilders Gold Leaf Glass Soap

Gilders Gold Leaf Glass Soap

Buy Gilders Gold Leaf Glass Soap for Sale here, Gilding Soap comes wrapped in a resealable foil package. Perfect for cleaning glass surfaces for before water gilding. Directions for use:  Simply rub damp cloth or sponge on cake. Apply a soapy lathers coating to surface to be cleaned and scrub, then allow the Gilders Gold Leaf Glass Soap to dry. Once the Gilders Gold Leaf Glass Soap dries completely, firmly buff off residue as soon as dry, listening for the squeaky-clean sound to know your buffing hard enough.  Used as a replacement for Bonami cake soap from the past.

 *Caution on Firmly Buffing your glass, make sure the glass is mounted well and secure in its frame. Use discretion, we will not be responsible for broken glass.